Dates & News

Hello Everybody! 

It's also time for new seasons and new terms, so check out my regular Appalachian percussive dance classes below, and join the newsletter for dancing opportunities with me and other clubs and events all over the country!

Gainsborough Festival , Lincolnshire

Friday 14th to Sunday 16th February

I'm teaching Appalachian percussive dance at this wonderful festival, with the brilliant Tim Brooks on fiddle. 

Faversham, Kent

Thursday evenings - see below for more details

January 16th - April 3rd (no classes at half term on 20th Feb)

Appalachian Percussive Dance - various classes from 6.30pm - 9.30pm

St. Catherine's Schoolroom, Preston Lane Faversham, Kent. ME13 8LG

Holwell, Nr Hitchin, Hertfordshire - - see below for more details

Sat 18th Jan / Sat 1st Feb / Sat 1st Mar / Sat 5th Apr / No classes in May / June tbd

(We plan to have a class in June – but want to wait to see what Morris and Festival events are happening - maybe have a class either the June 21st or 28th)

Appalachian Percussive Dance workshops

Holwell Village Hall, Pirton Road, Holwell, Herts SG5 3SS 

Happy danicng!

All the best, Kerry

Apologies in advance if you find this webite way out of date at any time. I hope you find what you need here... if not send me a message on 07703 630 720.

See Below for information about my REGULAR CLASSES...

Appalachian Percussive Dance

Regular Appalachian Dance classes in Faversham, Kent (weekly) and Holwell, Hertfordshire (monthly), start up in September.


Faversham, Kent. Thursday Evenings, term time.

At: St. Catherine's Schoolroom, Preston Lane Faversham, Kent. ME13 8LG  

If you haven't been before, it's in the churchyard of St Catherine's, as you come into the car park, turn left down the lane towards the footbridge over the railway line - you wouldn't know there was a little hall there but there is! 




6.30pm – 7.30pm


Mixed levels (you're welocome to come early to join the beginners, for no extra cost!)

7pm – 7.55pm



8.10pm – 9pm



9pm – 9.30pm

NB: Beginners 6.30-7.30pm / Mixed level 7pm – 7.55pm. This is a crossover class with beginners doing an hour and mixed level doing an hour, across an hour and 25mins – however, beginners – once you’re learnt the basics, are invited to stay until 7.55pm, if you’d like to, and mixed levels are welcome to start at 6.30pm – the price is the same, so that’s a free 25mins of dancing!


Cost: Email me for details. Discount for 2 or more classes. 


I also operate a sliding scale, for those experiencing any financial difficulties – please speak to me privately and confidentially on 07703 639 720. I would always rather you were dancing than not, regardless of an individual’s financial situation!


Holwell, Hertfordshire - Monthly Saturday mornings

At: Holwell Village Hall, Pirton Road, Holwell, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 3SS

Class 1 is Mixed level, including beginners (1 1/2 hours) – 9.30am-11:00am.

Class 2 is Improvers workshop (1 1/2 hours) – 11:15am – 12:45pm.

Class 3 - 1pm – 2pm  Repertoire dances – this will be fast paced.

Costs: £11 (£9 conc) Mixed/Improvers / for both £17 (£13 conc) / £8 (£7 conc) Intermediates.

As ever, if you need help with the costs (see above note), please talk to me as I would rather you were dancing than not!!


Folk Dance Remixed's Solo Ceilidh Cardio - get yourself Folk Fit!!

Here it is, just click on this!

Natasha and I, with guest artist Damien Anyasi, went into the fabulous Kennedy Hall at the English Folk Dance and Song Society's HQ to film this - so get your dancing shoes on and join us at home!

Sarah Morgan Foundation Bursary

And for any of you singers out there who need a bit of financial support, you can apply to the Sarah Morgan Foundation for funding. This is to attend any folk song courses of an education nature, anywhere! You just need to demonstrate a financial reason to apply

The website for applications is:    

So, here’s all the information about the Appalachian dance classes. They are currently running in person and in Zoomland simultaneously - so please feel free to share with other dancers around the country as you can zoom in from anywhere!


If you'd like to join a class in Zoomland, please email me for the Link

Old News!

Nomination for a One Dance UK award!!

I'm delighted and utterly honoured to have been nominated and have made it to the long list! It's in the category of... The Inspirational Community Dance Practitioner Award and is for a practitioner whose work within the community creates a positive impact with groups or a group of people. They use the power of dance to engage and motivate those who they work with, and create opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to dance. Click here to see the long list and more about One Dance UK. The shortlist will be announced in September. 

Folk Dance Remixed are celebrating their 10th birthday!!!

It’s been 10 years since Natasha Khamjani and Kerry Fletcher met in the garden at Cecil Sharp House. With a maypole as inspiration and boundless enthusiasm they began to create an exciting and unique mix of folk and street dance styles. Joined by Frances Watt, they are now a leading company that, until lockdown, could be found taking their maypole and fabulously talented, diverse company up and down the land.

And, to celebrate 10 years together, they’ve made a fantastic film with company members old and new – Enjoy!!

It would be fabulous if you can make some comments and share where you can – thanks!!

My regular classes and events

Dates and details above!...

Email me for the link/s: and then please share as widely as you can - just not on public social media - thanks!


Look forward to a dance with you soon!


All the best, Kerry

Folk Dance Remixed were one of the opening acts at Latitude Festival in July last year – it was an amazing and brilliantly fun evening – thanks to Dance East for getting us there and to everyone who joined in so wholeheartedly – you were terrific!!!